Hava Zingboim

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Hava Zingboim Products

A wish box with two bottles in it

For more than 20 years, Hava Zingboim has been combining science, research and development with the field of cosmetics. Hava Zingboim's success story is also the success story of thousands of beauticians in the country who through Hava Zingboim's products give more value to their customers and manage to provide cosmetic treatments at the highest level
20 years ago. Cosmetics would have looked different
20 years ago I remember looking at my grandmother and telling myself that wrinkles Betray her age. Wrinkles in the eye area and wrinkles near the mouth - because she would smile a lot. Although she adhered to weekly cosmetic treatments, she still could not hide the evidence of her advanced age. Looking back, she was well-groomed, adhering to a daily grooming routine and investing in the purchase of face-preserving creams. Since 20 years have passed, during which manufacturing technologies have been developed and a great deal of knowledge has been gained in the field of cosmetics and the connection between cosmetics and research, wild medical cosmetics has raised its head and turned the standard cosmetics my grandmother knew 20 years ago into more advanced, higher quality and more valuable cosmetics.
A cream that lifts wrinkles on the face when applied
It used to be a dream. In the distant past, in order to eliminate wrinkles on the facial skin, it was necessary to undergo many series of anti-aging treatments to reduce wrinkles and preservation treatments. So true, anti-aging treatments can not be avoided today but there are other ways to help skin and wrinkle wrinkles by applying cream. An anti-aging cream designed for mature facial skin that is able to inject hyaluronic acid molecules on application. This is of course Hava Zingboim's Prophecy 2 Cream. Prophecy is a groundbreaking quality cream in its approach to eliminating wrinkles and creases on the face and maintaining smooth, full of energy. Propecia is an easy and simple alternative to hyaluronic acid injections and Botox injections performed by plastic surgeons. Prophecy injects hyaluronic acid through the skin surface and contributes to skin rejuvenation and a radiant appearance. The road to a wrinkle-free face seems closer than ever.
Prophecy eye
Prophecy eye is the next generation of the Prophecy. If Prophecy cream is intended for application on the face, especially in wrinkles, Prophecy eye cream is intended for eliminating wrinkles and eliminating dark circles in the eye area. The results are proven and excellent from experience - I tried this on my mother - she had wrinkles in the eye area - those caused by the eye contraction, probably because of the amounts of books she would read and strain the eyes in the contraction. The wrinkles were on the sides of the eyes, relatively fine wrinkles, not too deep but also ones that look good from a distance. I also tried to treat her with dark circles around the eyes. Prophecy eye cream was the perfect home treatment for her - one cream that allows to treat both the problem of darkness under her eyes and wrinkles on the sides of the eye - it was a perfect gift from me for her.
Lip It for the lips
Cream came out just in time for me. It was a family party I went to and I wanted to show it wow. I was missing one last touch - the hair was tidy, the face was treated, a little touch of makeup, an eyeliner with permanent makeup and the last thing I was missing was the lips. Then I remembered I got amounts of Lip It Cream and this was for her the opportunity to try it on myself - the lips were perfect - full and Sexy.

Acne Treatments
As I posted on my blog, I myself have been through agony because of acne. The treatment procedure I built for myself for the acne treatment I had consisted of wild medical preparations, acne preparations by Hava Zingboim. The kit of acne preparations that I built to treat my acne, I pass on to my clients - this is a kit that I adapted to my skin. In fact for each and every client I tailor the individual acne kit depending on the skin type, acne type and acne stage.
Recommended acne remedies are products that have the ability to penetrate deep into the skin in order to treat the root of the problem of acne and not just the symptom. Acne is an inflammation of the hair follicle and mammary glands, the symptom is the pimples - which are basically secretions of fat, skin cells and other substances that can cause an infection. To treat acne the preparations need to be able to penetrate deep enough to treat inflammation of the mammary glands.
Hava Zingboim's acne treatment products include facial soap, toner for oily skin, active water, active gel, acne extract, cleansing mask, exfoliating cream and moisturizer for oily skin with a sun protection factor.
The role of facial soap in treating acne is to thoroughly cleanse the facial skin in preparation for further treatment. The facial soap contains substances that dissolve the fat on the skin. Therapeutic active water is a liquid with active acids that aims to remove the top layer of the skin and dry oily areas to prevent acne and scars. Active Gel is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory balancing gel. Acne extract is a topical treatment for the wound itself and is another step in the treatment. To read more about acne remedies, go to the list of acne remedies in the product store.
During my training as a wild medical cosmetologist I was exposed to a wide range of preparations and what aroused my most interest besides acne preparations are anti-aging preparations for young skin and anti-aging preparations for mature skin. I knew almost all the types of products available on the market, all the large and small companies, I experienced almost all of them - from products sold in pharmacies to luxury products that cost hundreds of dollars that I received for experience and examination. I must point out that I was amazed at the differences in qualities - creams marketed in pharmacies sometimes felt like another simple moisturizer, even if their price tag did not fall below the price of a gold necklace, while boutique creams from unrecognized companies felt very high quality and thoughtful and invested. When I first tried Hava Zingboim's products designed to treat skin aging I felt the depth of thought invested in the development of the cream and the quality raw materials from which they are made - someone or someone here did an excellent job. Hava Zingboim's anti-aging products are known for their ability to achieve results. Sometimes it can take time, sometimes it happens very quickly - but you always see change. The skin looks more taut and more vital, full of life. Well-treated leather in which quality products have been invested.
Among the variety of anti-aging products for mature skin, you can find Drama Elephant, a high-quality cream that is able to remove wrinkles and prevent wrinkles. A biopeptide is a protein serum for building the skin and the warming golden mask that gives the "glam" that everyone loves so much.
In the category of anti-aging products for young skin you can find Glico Active Home Solution, Extra C and the microbrewery complex that I love so much. However, my favorite cream of all is Age Protection - a cream to which I add extracts, concentrated extracts, and brew the cream I love. It is a hit with me in facial treatments and has a great demand among my patients, and rightly so.

One of the most exciting stories is the story of a bride who came to me a few weeks before her wedding. She said that throughout the wedding period she was very stressed from the wedding preparations and her academic studies. The pressure was noticeable on her face - pigmentation spots accompanied by acne sores began to appear on the sides of her face. Of course this increased its pressure which did not contribute to the reduction of the spots. I explained to her about the phenomenon and the reasons for the phenomenon, fortunately she was able to recover on her own and started to relax through breathing treatments and mindfulness. The future bride has entered a clarification therapy session combining home products. The change on the face was unbelievable - in less than two treatments, the pigmentation spots disappeared and the acne sores faded. The feeling of satisfaction was amazing.
The preparations I used are lightening preparations for the treatment of pigmentation spots by Hava Zingboim. A lightening mask for the treatment of all facial skin, Azel X cream and anti-pigment are some of the pigmentation blemishes that I use on my clients, but my favorite is an excellent lightening cream called WHITE & BRIGHT, most of which you probably know. A high-level lightening cream that is able to penetrate deep into the skin, treat and prevent pigmentation spots. 

Hava Zingboim Prices
All of Hava Zingboim's products can be purchased at the clinics. The website publishes all prices of Hava Zingboim products, including promotions for Hava Zingboim products. Discounts and promotions of the month on certain preparations are sometimes published in the product store. Free deliveries of Hava Zingboim's products - for purchases over NIS 200, fast delivery to the house for purchases over NIS 400.
Purchasing products through the website
Ordering Hava Zingboim products will be done after consultation and diagnosis of facial skin. This is an essential condition for purchasing products in order to ensure proper use and proper fit of these preparations, which contain a higher concentration of active ingredients than cosmetics sold in pharmacies. Payment is by phone order - all you have to do is choose the products you are interested in, enter the contact details, and we will get back to you soon for advice and completion of the transaction.
Further details about the purchase process are detailed in the site's rules.
Purchasing Hava Zingboim's products through beauticians
Hava Zingboim markets her products through beauticians who have taken Hava Zingboim's PME course, a course in wild medical cosmetics. As part of the course, the beauticians undergo training on all of Hava Zingboim's products. As mentioned, these products contain active ingredients in high concentration and therefore it is required to make an adjustment of the product to the patient according to the condition of his facial skin. Improper product adjustment and improper use of a particular product can cause problematic skin conditions to the point of burns and aggravation of the skin condition. In light of this, it was decided at Hava Zingboim not to allow online purchases through the beauticians' cosmetics sites but only through phone orders or orders through WhatsApp, after consulting and matching a product with a beautician by phone or online through the WhatsApp.
Increased demand for facial cosmetics
During this period we are experiencing increased demand from customers interested in purchasing cosmetics - with an emphasis on the WISH BOX kit containing 2 Prophecy Cream and Prophecy Eye Cream as well as increased demand for acne treatment products due to the increase in facial effects caused by face masks. The stock for these products runs out very quickly so it is advisable to order in advance.

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